Fashion/Wearable Tech

1:27 PM

The fashion/wearable tech industry is growing so much right now! Here are just a few very cool and practical purses and jewelry that provide on the go tech capabilities!

EverPurse is a company that offers purses that charge your phone! Their purses come in 2 sizes, mini($129) which is compatible with the iPhone 5s, and the clutch($249), which is compatible with the iPhone 5/5s/5c, iPhone 6, and Samsung Galaxy S3/4. You can find out more/order them at

Beacon and Lively has created a cuff (in 3 colors- champagne,silver, and black) that will alert you when certain people are trying to call/get in contact with you. The app that corresponds with the cuff allows you to set up specific colors for specific people(see graphic below). To learn more about Beacon and Lively and to preorder one of their cuffs, visit

Might Purse is another purse company that allows you to charge your purse on the go. The Might Purse comes in 5 different varieties with the most affordable being the Chic Original with Faux leather, which is $84.99. Their purse is compatible with all Micro-USB smartphones, iPhones, and tablets.To learn more about them/purchase check out

Cuff provides technology to let you know if someone is calling you even if your phone isn't on you. It vibrates when you get a call, and even lets you know if you leave your phone behind. It also lets you keep track of your fitness(walking,running, and calorie tracking), and can be a lifesaver if you are in danger. To read more about Cuff and to preorder one(they are reasonably priced) check out -

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